


  • Type: Erectile Dysfunction Treatment
  • Manufacturer: Ajanta Pharma
  • Substance: Sildenafil
  • Dosage: 25mg, 50mg, 100mg, 120mg, 150mg, 200mg.
  • Avg Price:

Millions of men suffer from potency problems caused by various reasons. Statistics show that more than 145 million men today suffer from erectile dysfunction, which is a very serious problem, since the number of patients with sexual disorders is growing every day. This can influence on younger generations and cause problems in the future.

There are a number of medications that have been prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction and that help to restore men’s erections. One of these medicines is Kamagra. Like in some other medicines used to treat impotence, the active substance of Kamagra is Sildenafil. Its action increases blood flow to the genitals, thus stimulating the occurrence of an erection that can last for a long time, up to 5 hours.

Method of Application

According to the instructions for using the drug, Kamagra is applied once a day for half an hour before the planned intercourse, because this time is enough for the drug begins to act. It is noted that the drug can act for several hours, which sometimes reaches 5 hours within some men. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. Therefore, the duration of the action may vary from man to man.

During the action of the drug Kasmagra, a man can achieve an erection several times. It is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations and not to increase the permissible dosage of the medication as this can have dangerous consequences and become the cause of adverse reactions.

Drug Safety

So that Kamagra medicine does not harm your body, you should follow the rules for its use and the doctor's recommendations. If you change the dosage yourself and increase it, then you may get the risk of high blood pressure, which can be dangerous for many patients.

Side Effects

Usually, the medication does not cause any negative effects. However, some men have experienced negative symptoms that appeared due to the higher dose of the drug.

Common side effects include: nosebleeds, slow heart rate, allergies, vomiting, low blood pressure, swelling, chills, frequent urination, and nausea. In case of the occurrence of any negative changes in your health after using the drug Kamagra, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.


Like many other medicines, Kamagra has some contraindications. It should be remembered that, first of all, the drug is intended for male patients only, and it will not be effective for women.

Drinking alcohol while using Kamagra medication will have a bad effect on the action of the drug, and it will greatly reduce its effectiveness.

If you have heart, kidney or liver diseases, then you are not allowed to take this medication, as it can be dangerous for you.

Buying Kamagra

Today you can buy Kamagra both in regular pharmacies and on the websites of online pharmacies that sell medications over the Internet. Before using this drug, it is necessary to consult a doctor and obtain the necessary recommendations and a prescription from him.

If you decide to buy the drug from an online pharmacy, then try to choose the pharmacy that has extensive experience in selling drugs online and has good customer reviews. Before ordering, read the terms of the order and payment methods.

Today there are many dishonest websites that sell fake and ineffective drugs and deceive their customers. Be attentive and careful.

Remember, you should consult your doctor before purchasing and taking any medication. Only a doctor can indicate which medication is suitable in your situation.


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Erectile dysfunction is a common problem in a huge number of men around the world. It can arise from a number of reasons that may occur due to biological or psychological aspects.