Viagra vs Priligy

Viagra vs Priligy

What to choose Viagra or Priligy

Viagra and Priligy are two different medications used to treat different conditions. Viagra is used to treat Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in men, while Priligy is used to treat premature ejaculation (PE). Viagra works by improving blood flow to the penis, while Priligy works by increasing the time it takes to ejaculate. They have different mechanisms of action and are not interchangeable. However, in some cases, a healthcare provider may prescribe both medications to a patient who is experiencing both ED and PE. It is important to only use medications that have been prescribed by a healthcare provider and to follow their instructions for use.

Viagra and Priligy Comparison

Priligy vs Viagra
Viagra Priligy
Type: Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Premature Ejaculation Treatment
Manufacturer: Pfizer Janssen-Cilag GmbH
Substance: Sildenafil Dapoxetine
Dosage: 25mg, 50mg, 100mg 30mg, 60mg, 90mg
Avg Price: - -